
Faraway puzzle escape locations
Faraway puzzle escape locations

faraway puzzle escape locations

If there is any compelling reason to have audio on, I didn’t find it – there don’t seem to be any puzzles that include audio cues of any sort. In fact, I played over two sessions, and for the second one, I didn’t even bother to put on my headphones.

faraway puzzle escape locations

I didn’t have any really satisfying “Aha!” moments, and needed to consult the walkthrough a few more times on my way through (although never for the actual solution to a puzzle – only to figure out what exactly the game was expecting me to do).īoth the graphics and the music are serviceable, but not memorable. There’s a lot of “find this object to unlock this other object” and a lot of “memorize this pattern and use it somewhere else”. I played up until the tenth level (out of twenty), and the puzzles aren’t terribly difficult or original.

#Faraway puzzle escape locations android

In fact, Faraway: Puzzle Escape has four sequels, available on both Android and iPhone, so for folks who are a big fan of low-poly first person puzzlers, that’s a pretty meaty catalog. I didn’t find the controls confusing or awkward once I realized that, it just wasn’t what I was expecting. That was the point when I realized this game had been designed for mobile devices and touchscreens. As it turns out, there is no “secret” entrance, there is a door right in front of you, and you can’t just click on it to proceed instead you must hold and drag the handle. In fact, the very first one I found led me pretty far astray, until I finally gave up and consulted a walk-through. They don’t really provide any clues to the puzzles, and – at least for me – added nothing to the experience. There are letters you can pick up on all of the levels, which give you the barest whisper of a background story, but I’ll confess that after the first couple, I decided I didn’t much care for the letter-writer (sorry, Dad!), and stopped actively looking for them. The game’s description on the publishers website.

Faraway puzzle escape locations